What We Did on Our Holiday London Movie Premiere
Family comedy What We Did on Our Holiday’s UK premiere drew hundreds to the Odeon West End on September 22nd 2014, with fans desperately hoping for an autograph from stars Billy Connolly, David Tennant and Rosamund Pike.
Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkins developed the formula of their smash-hit BBC TV series Outnumbered – children semi-improvising dialogue – into a touching and humorous feature-length movie in which the lies and secrets adults keep are juxtaposed against the honesty of children. Billy Connolly (Gordie) commented on how the movie, in which death is a major theme, is nonetheless a comedy: “It’s a very dark subject but it’s always great to have fun with death,” he laughed. “If you’re talking to children you have to make it light, so that’s what we did and it’s lovely.”
David Tennant (Doug) dressed to impress, wearing the same kilt that he wore to marry Georgia Moffett. He spoke about co-star and idol Connolly: “He’s brilliant... He’s everything I imagined he was, as I grew up listening to his tapes and worshiping him as the real king of Scotland, which he is... You walk down the street with him, particularly in Scotland, and people adore him – he’s proper royalty.”
Meanwhile, Rosamund Pike (Abi), who announced her second pregnancy in June 2014, talked about the battle between wardrobe and red carpet: “It’s always touch and go – I try a dress on and then a couple of weeks later it doesn’t fit, so that’s always a bit of a shock. You can’t believe you’re going to change that much in two weeks and then you do.”